Board Members

Keri Strahler, Chairwoman

Keri also serves as CEO of the organization, has a BSBA from Friends University, a Certificate of Legal Studies from Washburn University, is a PAIMI Advisory Council member for the Kansas Disability Rights Center, a retired surgical technologist and mother of three.

Janet Flanigan-Kastle, Treasurer

I am a green witch who has been practicing for 18 years. I am the mother of five beautiful children ages 20 to ten and grandma to three little girls. I wanted to be a part of this because as a pagan having been behind the walls at the Topeka Correctional Facility, I had no way to practice my faith and am not shy by any means. Blessed be.

Quincy Bocquin, Secretary

Hello! I am a student at Washburn University studying Psychology and Criminal Justice. After graduation, I plan to continue my education and work towards a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. I enjoy being with my family, walking my puppy and baking.